We would love to see you cheering with our wines.
We would love to see you cheering with our wines.

In Switzerland you can order the Cardeira wines directly with Erika and Thomas in Herrliberg.

In Portugal you can order directly from the winery. Or else, you are always welcome in Orada-Borba: we would be happy to welcome you in our wonderful winery for a tasting.

Herdade da Cardeira
Monte Novo do Jardim
7150-306 Orada-Borba
T: +351 268 802 174
M: +351 965 809 009
E: info@cardeira.pt


Herdade da Cardeira
Rennweg 41
8704 Herrliberg
T: +41 44 915 39 39
E: info@cardeira.pt